CBSE NET Exam Dec 2015: View/Challange of recorded response/answer keys
National Eligibility test was held in Dec 2015 recently by its conducting authority CBSE. Candidates were eagerly waiting for answer keys & opening date to challenge recorded response. The official notification has been released by CBSE for the same.
Those who appeared in UGC NET exam can download the scanned copy of their OMR sheet with the recorded response in their answer key.
Basically the answer you filled in bubbles of UGC NET OMR Sheet provided to you in NET exam is your recorded response.
Answer key is a list of correct answers for your subject code. For paper 1, answer keys are released for all sets.
For Paper II & III UGC NET answer key is released for every subject separately.
Here is the official answer key (cbse net) link that has answer keys for all subjects for which UGC NET 2015 was conducted.
Official answer keys- UGC NET- Download
The Challenge of scanned copy of answer sheet was available from 2nd Feb to 9th Feb. Fee to challenge OMR sheet recorded answer was 1000 rs. per question & shall be submitted online.
If the challenge is accepted by the Board i.e. if the recorded response is not the same as
marked by the candidate on OMR sheet, the correction will be done and the fee will be refunded.
The CBSE’s decision on the challenges shall be final and no further communication
will be entertained.
CBSE UGC NET Official Notice for recorded response
What is CBSE NET recorded response/Answer key?
Those who appeared in UGC NET exam can download the scanned copy of their OMR sheet with the recorded response in their answer key.
Basically the answer you filled in bubbles of UGC NET OMR Sheet provided to you in NET exam is your recorded response.
Answer key is a list of correct answers for your subject code. For paper 1, answer keys are released for all sets.
For Paper II & III UGC NET answer key is released for every subject separately.
"If there is any official notification regarding OMR Sheet, recorded response, Answer sheet, we'll update it here."
CBSE UGC NET Answer Key 2015- Official Key
Here is the official answer key (cbse net) link that has answer keys for all subjects for which UGC NET 2015 was conducted.
Official answer keys- UGC NET- Download
CBSE NET- Challenge of scanned images of OMR answer sheets & answer key:
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View Challenge Recorded Response form on CBSE NET website |
The Challenge of scanned copy of answer sheet was available from 2nd Feb to 9th Feb. Fee to challenge OMR sheet recorded answer was 1000 rs. per question & shall be submitted online.
If the challenge is accepted by the Board i.e. if the recorded response is not the same as
marked by the candidate on OMR sheet, the correction will be done and the fee will be refunded.
The CBSE’s decision on the challenges shall be final and no further communication
will be entertained.
CBSE UGC NET Official Notice for recorded response
CBSE NET Exam Dec 2015: View/Challange of recorded response/answer keys
Reviewed by Hemant

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